Vegan California Prunes Truffles

Vegan California Prunes TrufflesMakes: 8Prep Time: 30 minutes + 1 hour rest EMAILPRINT PIN SHARE INGREDIENTS  150 g California Prunes 45 g coconut rape (desiccated coconut) 45 g almonds or other dried fruit 2 tbsp  bitter cocoa 2 tbsp almond or soya milk, if requiredDIRECTIONS Put the California Prunes in a blender together with the…

Three Ingredient Almond & California Prune Truffles

Three Ingredient Almond & California Prune TrufflesMakes: 17Prep Time: 30 minutes soaking time & 5 minutes prep timeCook Time: 1 hour chilling timeEMAIL PIN SHARE INGREDIENTS  1 cup California Prunes 1 1/4 cup almonds 2 tablespoons cocoa powder 2-3 tablespoons waterDIRECTIONS Soak Calfornia Prunes in hot water for about 30 minutes then drain. In a…