The world comes to California for prunes. In addition to all that makes California Prunes unique, such as world-famous growing conditions and the highest quality agricultural standards of any nation, the California Prune industry invests more in the prune category than any other growing region in the world.
Trade and Food Service

The resources found here are intended to provide market support to help drive growth of the California Prune category worldwide. These resources, and more, are designed to help you choose California for prunes.
Connect with a Handler
California handlers can supply the fruit in a number of applications, including whole, chopped, diced, bits, purée, paste, concentrate, juice, and powder.

Add value with California Prunes
Discover how California Prunes can add value to your business by downloading:

California Prunes offer a line of natural, multifunctional products that improve and add value to a wide range of industrial-scale formulas. Available in both wet and dry forms, prunes and prune ingredients can replace fat, reduce sugar, enhance flavour, prolong shelf life and more.