Pan-Fried Chorizo, California Prune and Potato Salad

“Using all your leftovers is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and your food bill! This recipe is for using leftover boiled potatoes and any other scraps you have in the salad drawer. This is very quick to cook so it can help to have everything cut and ready to go before you start cooking it.” – Jo Travers BSc RD MBDA

Makes: 4


  • 150g California Prunes
  • 4 free range eggs
  • 300g boiled potatoes
  • 200g chorizo
  • 400g vegetables eg tomatoes, spinach, rocket, spring onion, courgette, avocado, broccoli



  1. Cut the chorizo into small dice and the boiled potato and other vegetables into bite-size cubes.
  2. Separate out the veg that needs cooking from that which we can add at the end, so things like broccoli and courgette will need to go in with the potatoes and tomatoes, and avocado can get added at the end. I like to add spinach and leaves at the end so they are crisp but you can equally cook them for a bit so that they wilt if you prefer.
  3. In a non-stick frying pan, fry the chorizo until it starts to release some oil, then add the potatoes and any veg that needs to be cooked and turn up the heat. Fry, stirring all the time until the potatoes start to brown and crisp on the edges and the vegetables soften.
  4. Turn off the heat and transfer to a serving dish.
  5. Top with any raw vegetables. In the same frying pan, use the leftover chorizo oil to fry the eggs. Serve with the salad.


Jo Travers BSc RD MBDA

Jo Travers BSc RD MBDA

Registered dietitian and professional nutritionist, author of the book The Bone-Strength Plan, Jo Travers is also known as “The London Nutritionist”. She has come onboard the California Prune Board as an ambassador to help us spread the word of the health and nutritional benefits of prunes.