Lower Sugar Marble Muffins

Reducing sugar is easy when using California Prunes as they have a natural sweetness. These muffins are perfect for kids going back to school, or a great break time snack when at work. They’re also easy to batch bake and freeze, ready for when you need them.

Makes: 12Prep Time: 20 minutesCook Time: 25 minutes


  • 350g Self raising flour
  • 25g Cocoa powder
  • 1/4 tsp Baking powder
  • 65g Caster sugar
  • 65g California Prunes
  • 250ml Milk
  • 125ml Rapeseed oil
  • 2 Large free range egg


  1. Sieve the flour and baking powder into a bowl and add the sugar and mix to combine.
  2. In a separate bowl add the California Prunes, milk, oil and eggs and blend together until it’s a smooth puree texture.
  3. Blend the wet ingredients with the dry ingredients and mix until it’s just combined.
  4. Split the muffin mixture into half and stir in the cocoa powder into one half
  5. Preheat the oven to 180C
  6. Marble both mixtures into the cake cases and place in the oven to bake for around 20-25 minutes or until fully baked.


Peter Sidwell

Peter Sidwell

California Prune Board Ambassador Peter Sidwell, is a chef, baker, TV presenter, author, and innovator of all things food related. Peter has been a chef all his working life and over the years has developed a simple, fresh and innovative way of cooking which focuses on the importance of fine ingredients and technical know-how to ensure the best results. Peter has travelled the world cooking, talking and demonstrating his approach and explaining how and why it works so well for all manner of food offerings. Peter works both with chefs, consumers, food producers and retailers to innovate, create process or refine procurement. Working from his new innovation centre in England's beautiful Lake District, Peter and his team create exciting, attractive and mouth-watering new recipes with digital content, showcasing the delicious flavour and versatility of California Prunes.